The Salaries Of The Constitutional Court Judge And Allowances He Gets

YOGYAKARTA The Constitutional Court (MK) judge has become one of the topics he has often talked about lately. One of the things that also makes him curious is the salary of the Constitutional Court judge and the allowance he gets. Then how much salary will the judge receive?

It should be noted that the constitutional judge is a position whose job is to exercise the authority of the Constitutional Court as one of the institutions that conduct justice power. The constitutional judge also determines the implementation of the Constitutional Court's authority which functions as a guardian of the constitution,

The position of constitutional judge is also one of the positions whose terms are regulated in the 1945 Constitution. One of the conditions that must be met by a constitutional judge is to master the constitution and state administration.

Apart from that, did you know that the money received by a judge at the Constitutional Court was quite high. The Constitutional Court not only gets a basic salary but also gets benefits to other additional facilities. Regarding salaries and facilities for judges of the Constitutional Court, it is regulated in Article 3 of Government Regulation (PP) Number 55 of 2014 concerning Financial Rights and Facilities of Supreme Court Justices and Constitutional Justices.

In this article, it is stated that the Constitutional Court judge is entitled to salaries, allowances, retirees, and facilities from the state. The following is the right to the profession obtained by the Constitutional Court judge.

The amount of the principal salary of the Constitutional Court judge itself is regulated in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 75 of 2000. The regulation states that the basic salary is given per month with a different nominal depending on the position.

The salary of the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court is IDR 5,040,000, while the salary of the Deputy Chairperson of the Constitutional Court is IDR 4,620,000, and the salary of the Constitutional Court judge is IDR 4,200,000. Although the nominal salary obtained by the Constitutional Court judge is relatively small, the allowance obtained is quite large. Allowances for the Constitutional Court judge are regulated in Government Regulation Number 55 of 2014. Referring to the regulation, the position allowance obtained by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court is IDR 121,609,000.

Meanwhile, the allowance for the position of Deputy Chairperson of the Constitutional Court is IDR 77,504,000. The difference in the position allowance obtained by the Constitutional Court judge is also not too far away, which is IDR 72,854,000. This figure can increase because the Constitutional Court judges still get facility money, one of which is honorarium or service reward wages.

The rules related to the honorarium of the Constitutional Court Judge itself are regulated in Article 13 paragraph (2) of PP Number 82 of 2021 concerning the Fourth Amendment to PP Number 55 of 2014. Honorarium itself can be given to the Constitutional Court judges including as follows.

That's information related to the MK judge's salary. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.