Tips To Improve A Healthy Life Quality In 30 Minutes

JAKARTA - The limited time we have in a day makes some people often ignore a healthy lifestyle. As a result, some changes in the body and skin such as fatigue, wrinkles, and susceptibility to disease cannot be avoided.

In fact, you can set aside a short period of at least 30 minutes to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Curious how to run it? Stay tuned for the information below.


10 Minutes Morning Walk

Do you still feel like jogging, cycling, and treadmill in the morning? If so, maybe you could try taking a 10-minute walk around the house just after waking up or just before shower time.

Doing light exercise while accompanied by sunshine and fresh morning air can certainly be a mood booster for you to go through the day.

20 Minutes Breakfast

Breakfast has been scientifically proven to increase productivity and keep the mood stable. For that, no matter how busy you are, try not to skip breakfast.

Not only does it make the body more energetic, but breakfast is also useful to improve memory and keep the mind focused. Choose a breakfast menu that is high in carbohydrates, fiber, good fats, and iron.


15 Minute Light Stretching

Working continuously in front of a laptop can make your body tired faster. To get refreshed, try stretching between work times. It is enough to spend 15 minutes doing movements that can maintain fitness and restore body performance while at the office.

You can view recommended videos of stretching on various channels to make it easier to practice. Apart from stretching, don't forget to always drink water to keep it fresh and avoid dehydration.

15 Minute Naps

Not only restores body freshness, but naps can also be useful in improving memory, increasing alertness, improving mood, increasing creativity, and overcoming insomnia.

So, there's nothing wrong if you steal 15 minutes of time between work activities to take a nap.


15 Minutes Skincare

After a day of activities, the skin is prone to feeling tired. This is the reason why it is important to do skincare at night. Just take about 15 minutes for skincare to restore the youthfulness and freshness of skin when you wake up the next day.

15 Minutes of Meditation

Before going to bed, there's nothing wrong with taking 15 minutes for meditation or yoga to help your body and mind relax before bed.

Apparently, it's not difficult to live a healthy life, right? Just spend 30 minutes in the morning, afternoon, and evening so that the quality of your healthy life can improve.