Google Employee Admits 'Harassed' By Companies For Supporting Palestine

JAKARTA – On Thursday, November 9, a group of Google employees released an open letter on Medium and complained to the public that they had been harassed by a number of Google employees.

The group keeps their identities secret, but they state that, “We are Google employees who are Muslims, Palestinians, and Arabs, as well as anti-Zionist Jewish colleagues.”

As the title of the letter suggests, they claim to have experienced forms of hatred, harassment and retaliation at Google because of their religion and background. For an unspecified period of time, they have been treated inappropriately.

“Muslims have experienced accusations of supporting terrorism as part of their religion and related to slander against the Prophet Muhammad,” wrote the group, quoted directly from Medium.

They stated that the abuse was carried out on a work platform, but no Google leadership took action. In fact, a number of Google managers called their employees sick for empathizing with Gaza residents.

According to Google managers, showing empathy for Gaza residents is a futile act. They also asked Arab and Muslim employees directly whether they supported Hamas.

“There is a coordinated effort to stake out the public lives of Palestinian-sympathizing workers and report them to Google and law enforcement for supporting terrorism,” they added.

Due to all the discomfort they have felt, this secret group demands Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, Google Cloud CEO, Thomas Kurian, and all other senior leaders to firmly condemn the acts of genocide in Palestine.

Apart from that, they also urged the leadership to stop the Nimbus Project. The reason is, this project will help the Israeli military by supplying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced technology worth 1.2 billion US dollars (Rp. 18 trillion).