Declaration Of Support For Barisan Entrepreneurs Fighters To Prabowo In The 2024 Presidential Election, Jokowi's Son-in-law Bobby Nasution Present

Barisan Entrepreneur Pejuang mendeklarasikan dukungan kepada bakal Capres Prabowo Subianto di Jakarta Theater, Rabu, 8 November.The volunteer group from the business element was chaired by the son-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as well as the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution. Bobby was present at the declaration of support to Prabowo.Prabowo arrived at the Jakarta Theater at 14.59 WIB wearing a white shirt. The Minister of Defense was connected directly by Bobby as general chairman of the Fighter Entrepreneurs Front.Prabowo was also accompanied by the Head of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team, Rosan Roeslani.
"What we love is the presidential candidate of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Prabowo Subianto," said Bobby, starting his remarks at the Jakarta Theater, Wednesday, November 8.