Fraud Modes In Elections: Here's The Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - Former Coordinator of the Jeiry Voter Committee (Tepi) Sumampouw said, there are some modes of cheating that have the potential to occur on voting day, Wednesday (17/4/2019). So what are the modes of fraud in the election?

"There are many modes of vote cheating in the previous elections, both presidential, legislative, or regional elections," Jeiry said in a written explanation.

This mode, for example, changes the number of recapitulation results, the number of votes calculated does not match the number on the C1 model form.

The C1 model form is a vote count certificate, which is divided into presidents and vice presidents, DPR RI, DPD RI, Provincial DPRD, and DPRD Regency/City.

Another mode, the column of sound acquisition and other columns on the model form is not filled in so that new numbers can be entered. Jeiry said that another mode that needed to be watched out for was voters who voted more than once, and voters were given the opportunity to vote even though they did not meet the requirements.

Jeiry is of the view that there are 4 aspects that can affect the vulnerability of an area in the 2019 Election, namely geographical, historical, rulers and organizers.

Areas prone to fraud can be caused by geographical circumstances because it is difficult to reach or historically has a history of problematic elections.

After that, the economic situation and education levels of residents in a region also ensure how residents can be affected by money politics.

"The authorities' factors are areas that are economically poor and the people are not so educated that they are easily mobilized and prone to money politics," said Jeiry.

"Fourth, the organizers' aspects, are the areas where in the first election, the organizers often carry out vote manipulations, but they do not have time to be punished, and they are still the organizers today," he continued.

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