Is IQ Determined By Genetics? This Is An Expert Answer

YOGYAKARTA Until now, many people believe that the IQ of children is determined by genetics, especially from the mother's gene. Then, does IQ determine mother's genetics as the correct opinion?

It should be noted that understanding intelligence is complex and not easy. What is clear is that intelligence is not influenced by genetic factors alone but also the environment. To understand intelligence needs to be done various measurement methods.

Intelligence itself can include a person's ability to learn from experience and the ability to adapt to environmental change. This is then reflected by humans to think logically, do planning, solve problems, understand complicated concepts, and be able to think abstractly.

The level of intelligence itself is then measured by the scale of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). In addition, researchers also conducted a lot of research to identify genes that affect intelligence.

Regarding the origin of IQ related to intelligence, genetic consultants as well as children specialists at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (UI), Dr. Yulia Ariani, have an explanation. According to him, intelligence or IQ is basically determined by many genes, not only from mothers but also from father.

Quoted from the FK UI website, Yulia explained that if it is only a gene factor, intelligence is a gene factor from mother and father. The portion of intelligence from both to children is equally balanced. However, the contribution of genes to children's intelligence is only about 40 to 60 percent. The rest is determined by the environment or shared environment.

In Indonesia alone, the figure of a mother is the closest person to a child who has many contributions ranging from choosing nutrition for children, caring for, raising, to applying ways to educate children. This condition makes the mother's role very prominent.

"She (mother) is a role model, who takes care of, provides nutrition, so it's as if mother is the dominant," Yulia explained, quoted from the FK UI website.

Yulia also explained that her son will get intelligence from his father who has intelligent genes. However, there are always non-genetic factors in it.

"Only earlier, there were non-genetic factors. It must be considered," Yulia explained.

Quoted from the medlineplus, intelligence is also influenced by the environment during child development. Factors that have contributed to intelligence, such as the home environment, parenting, education, available learning sources, to health and nutrition services.

One's environment and genes affect each other as well as it is difficult to separate environmental influences from genetic influences. For example, the level of intelligence of a child is similar to that of a parent, but does that happen due to genetic factors, the environment, or the combination of the two? Of course, the environment and genetics have a big role in determining intelligence.

That's information related to whether IQ is genetic. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.