Complete Dossier, CV Commissioner PMS Tax Employer Rp8.3 M Delegated To Riau Prosecutor's Office

JAKARTA - Commissioner of CV Putra Mulya Sari (PMS) with the initials J who is a suspect in a tax evader worth Rp. 8.3 billion was transferred by the Riau Police to the Riau High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati).

Assistant for Special Crimes at the Riau Prosecutor's Office, Imran Yusuf, explained that suspect J, in the period February-July 2019, deliberately did not deposit a value added tax (VAT) resulting in a loss of state revenue of Rp. 8.3 billion.

"The file has been declared complete. Today the suspect and evidence were handed over. Subsequently, a delegation will be carried out to the court," he said in Pekanbaru, Riau, Monday, November 6, which was confiscated by Antara.

CV PMS is a company engaged in the trading of palm fruit.

Imran Yusuf hopes that this case can be a lesson for parties engaged in the same business sector to deposit their tax obligations to the state.

As a result of his actions, suspect J was suspected of violating the provisions of Article 39 paragraph (1) letter c and/or Article 39 paragraph (1) letter d and/or Article 39 paragraph (1) letter i of Law Number 28 of 2007 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures as amended recently by Law Number 6 of 2023.

"The threat of imprisonment is a minimum of six months and a maximum of six years and a fine of at least two times the amount of tax owed," he said.

Di tempat sama, Kepala Bidang Pemeriksaan, Penagihan, Intelijen dan Penyidikan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) Riau Eko Budihartono mengatakan aset milik J berupa kendaraan telah disitas seiringnya penanganan perkara ini.

"The Riau DGT Regional Office will continue to be consistent in carrying out law enforcement efforts as a final step taken by the DGT to taxpayers who do not fulfill their tax obligations in order to recover losses to state revenues," he said.