Subang Regent: Don't Justify Miras Jamuan At Celebration

Subang Regent Ruhimat invited hundreds of Islamic religious instructors to take part in maintaining the morale of teenagers and not teaching alcoholic beverages or beverages during celebration or entertainment events.

"I am very worried and also deeply regret the recent incident on Jalancagak (13 teenagers who died from drinking adulterated liquor)," said the regent as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 3.

He hopes that the poisoning of mixed liquor that causes the victim to die will not happen again.

For this reason, he conveyed that Islamic religious instructors from the Ministry of Religion could be more sensitive to the moral safety of the younger generation in their respective regions.

"Let's be more sensitive to seeing the young people around them, what they do when they gather. So I ask for help, we have to improve the nation's morale. Communication and education are in the hands of the ladies (laws for Islam)," he said.

The Regent invites all elements with their respective duties and functions to work together to anticipate the potential for similar incidents in Subang. This means that you should not teach a banquet of liquor at celebration or entertainment events.

I also instruct the sub-district head and village head to care about the morale of the community, to educate the public. We all have to be united, don't think of it as reasonable, especially if there is a celebration, providing liquor. I want us all to be sensitive. If something is unnatural, tell Babinsa, village officials, and don't hesitate to go to Satpol PP," he said.

Head of Bimas at the Ministry of Religion Subang, Mamat Suhermat, said that his party understands the Subang Regent's concerns about extraordinary events, where in Subang there are people at productive age who die because they violate one of God's orders.

"This is the duty of Islamic religious instructors to carry out state duties in the religious field," he said.

Meanwhile, dozens of people had to be taken to Subang Hospital for treatment after a drinking party during a celebration in Cipulus Village, Sagalaherang Kaler Village, Sagalaherang District, Subang, Sunday (29/10).

Of the dozens of people being treated, 13 of them died.