Hasto Says There Is A Head Of Political Parties Feeling Held By His "cards" And Pressured By Power

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said he could admit that there was a general chairman of the party who felt he was being held by his truft card. So, they had to follow the pressure of power. This was conveyed by Hasto when alluding to the recent political conditions. Including, the advancement of the Mayor of Solo who is also the son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a candidate for vice president (cawapres) accompanying Prabowo Subianto. "I myself accept the recognition of several general chairmen of political parties who feel that their cardtruf is being held. Some say that my life is only daily; then there are those who say the severity of power pressure," said Hasto in a written statement quoted on Monday, October 30. Not until there, Hasto said that his party is currently grieving. Because, they do not believe that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his family have been given civiles because of requests that violate the constitution. It is known, Hasto some time ago bluntly called 'Pak Lurah' asked for an additional term of president's office from two terms to three terms. He admitted that he had clarified the request. "We loved and gave such a huge privilege to President Jokowi and his family, but we were abandoned because there were still other requests that could potentially violate the practice of goodness and the Constitution," he said. "At first we only prayed so that this would not happen, but it turned out to be true," continued Hasto.

Hasto hopes that this dark democracy can pass soon. Moreover, members and cadres of the party bearing the bull symbol from the start always escorted President Jokowi tirelessly from regional head elections (pilkada) to presidential elections (pilpres). But lately they have to see constitutional disobedience and legal engineering at the Constitutional Court (MK) to nominate Gibran. "And the people already understand who left who was it for the sake of power's ambition," he concluded.