Being Chased By A Loan Debt Of IDR 900 Thousand, A Vocational High School Student In Tuban Hangs Himself

TUBAN - A vocational school student in Tuban Regency ended his life by hanging himself. Allegedly, the Class X student committed suicide because he was depressed by online loan debt collectors (pinjol). He owed Rp 900,000. Based on the information gathered or, the teenager who was desperate to end his life in an unnatural way had the initials AI (16). He lives in Tegalbang Village, Palang District, Tuban Regency. The reckless act by the vocational student was discovered by his parents on Sunday, October 22, 2023 yesterday. The head of the Tuban Police Cross Police Chief AKP Carito revealed that the victim's father had searched for his child's whereabouts because it was not seen in his room. When he wanted to go to the kitchen, the victim's father found his son in a hanging position and had died. "This 16-year-old foreigner was found by his own parents who were already in a hanging position in the kitchen of his house. "Initially, the father of this victim searched for (the whereabouts of AI) on Sunday at around 05.00 WIB. The reason was that the victim was not in his room," said AKP Carito, in his statement, Thursday, October 26. Seeing the position of his son who was already hanging on a blunder in the kitchen, the father was immediately shocked. Police officers from the Palang Police who received the report then came to the location to carry out the identification of the victim's body. From the results of the examination, it was confirmed that the SMK student died due to hanging himself. "We from the Palang Police and the medical team of the Sumurgung Health Center visited the crime scene and in the examination there were no traces of violence. It is certain that the suspect died because of hanging himself," explained the Palang Police Chief explained, the teenager's motive was desperate to kill himself due to experiencing pressure. He met the loan of hundreds of hundreds of thousands. "The loan is not only Rp 900,000. He explained. The student said that the student was considered very good. In fact, the victim was active in and followed the lesson at school. The victim was known to be from underprivilegous family. However based on the story of his school friend, the victim of depression because he broke up with his girlfriend.

"If I hear from friends in his class, the victim just broke up with his girlfriend. His girlfriend asked the victim to return what he had given him." "The victim's child is kind, quiet at school. Even Al is also active in school. Information from his homeroom teacher does have a loan debt," he concluded.