Today, MKMK Initial Meeting Regarding Alleged Ethical Violations Of Constitutional Court Judges

JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court or the Constitutional Court held an inaugural meeting regarding the alleged violation of the code of ethics today, Thursday, October 26. The inaugural meeting of the Constitutional Court's Honorary Council on alleged ethical violations related to the decision on the matter test for the age of the presidential and vice presidential candidates was held openly broadcast through the Constitutional Court's YouTube.

"The MKMK meeting will be held openly to the public," said MK spokesman Fajar Laksono in a statement received on Thursday, October 26.

The inaugural meeting of the MKMK scheduled clarification of related parties, including the reporter.

The Constitutional Court's public relations team said that today's meeting was held as an effort to accelerate the completion of reports that came from a number of elements of society. The sooner the report is handled transparently, it is hoped that it will restore public confidence in the judiciary institution.

"For the Constitutional Court, the faster the report will be and the more objective, transparent, and accountable it will be one of the important instruments to restore public trust in the Constitutional Court," he said.

It is known that the Constitutional Court received seven reports of alleged ethical violations by constitutional judges regarding the Constitutional Court's decision Number 90/PUU/-XXI/2023 regarding the judicial review of the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates. Following up on the report, the Constitutional Court formed the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) consisting of Wahiduddin Adams from elements of constitutional judges, former chairman of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie from elements of community leaders, and Bintan R Saragih from academic elements.

Jimly Asshiddiqie himself acts as chairman and concurrently as a member of the MKM, while Wahiduddin Adams as secretary of the MKMK who is also a member.

The Constitutional Court will work for a month starting from October 24, 2023 to November 24, 2023. The task of the Constitutional Court is to examine and decide a number of reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics and behavior of constitutional judges.