Taspen Employees Who Want To Get A Position Must Have Risk Management Certification
JAKARTA - PT Taspen (Persero) plans to include risk management certification as one of the requirements for promotion of positions for employees.
The rules regarding the requirements for the promotion of office are being discussed.
Taspen President Director Antonius Nicholas Stephanus Kosasih said that the requirement for employees to have risk management certification is also mandatory in the company.
All employees are in the process (certification). Because in the past it was not mandatory, now we make it mandatory," he said when met at the Pullman Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday, October 19.
In fact, Kosasih said, the rules requiring employees to have risk management certification are also being discussed internally by the company.
By having this risk management certification, employees are expected to increase their understanding of the types of risks that must be managed by the company comprehensively.
"We are drafting a board of directors regulation to be promoted to be certified. So they inevitably have to be certified," he explained.
Kosasih said that although not all employees have risk management certification, all Taspen directors already have risk management certification.
In fact, they got the highest certification.
"All Taspen directors already have level 5 risk management certification, which is the highest for insurance and banking risk management certification," he said.
For your information, this requirement also refers to the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 44/POJK.05/2020 concerning the Implementation of Risk Management for Non-Bank Financial Services Institutions requiring Non-Bank Financial Services Institutions to implement risk management.