Ganjar-Mahfud Officially Registers For Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates In The 2024 Presidential Election
JAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD officially registered as pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential elections. Ganjar and Mahfud were registered by the coalition of PDIP, PPP, Perindo, and Hanura parties.
This registration file was submitted by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri to the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hasyim Asy'ari. Furthermore, Ganjar and Mahfud submitted the vision-mission document as candidate pairs to the KPU.
"I am with Pak Mahfud and we and our wives are here to submit documents with the supporting party," said Ganjar after submitting the registration documents at the Indonesian KPU office, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta, Thursday, October 18.
Continuing, the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU, Hasyim Asy'ari, said that the registration requirements documents submitted by Ganjar and Mahfud were complete.
"As can be known, the one who has the wewemang to register is a political party or a combination of political parties by submitting documents. So the size is one. We have checked for the candidate pair who registered today, we declare it complete," explained Hasyim.
Then, the KPU scheduled Ganjar and Mahfud to conduct a health check on October 22, 2023 at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital.
Ganjar and Mahfud were accompanied by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri, Plt Chairman of PPP Muhammad Mardiono, Hanura Party Chairperson Oesman Sapta Odang, Perindo Party Chair Hary Tanoesoedibjo, PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani, and coalition party officials.
The group of general chairmen of the coalition parties first arrived at the KPU using a bus. Following that, Ganjar and Mahfud came to the KPU using a command car equipped with a sound system and loudspeaker that sang songs supporting the two pairs of candidates.
Ganjar and Mahfud departed from the Proclamation Monument accompanied by their supporters. Ganjar and Mahfud continue to greet their volunteer sympathizers who have waited along Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro to Jalan Imam Bonjol.
Before Ganjar and Mahfud register, candidates for presidential and vice presidential candidates Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) will also officially register as participants in the 2024 presidential election.