Not Yet Aired, Budi Pekerti Wins Most Nominations At The 2023 Indonesian Film Festival

JAKARTA - The committee announced the 2023 Citra Festival Indonesia (FFI) nominations last week. 22 of these nominations were announced at the National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta and named Budi Pekerti as the winner of the most nominations this year.

The film, directed by Wregas Bhanuteja, won 17 nominations including Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Screenwriter, Cinematography Director, Artistic Director.

The five main cast also received nominations such as Sha Ine Febriyanti and Angga Yunanda in the Best Lead, Prilly Latuconsina and Dwi Sasono in the Best Supporting Actor.

Apart from Dwi Sasono, Omara Esteghlal also received the Best Male Supporting Actor nomination. Then, in the fashion and music section, Budi Pekerti's film also gets the portion.

"We feel proud and touched because we were able to get this many FFI Citra Cup nominations. Budi Pekerti is a work that is made wholeheartedly by all team members, especially because it is led by special director Wregas Bhanuteja. Hopefully this film can be accepted and also beneficial for the audience," said Willawati as one of the producers of the film Budi Pekerti.

Before Budi Pekerti, Wregas Bhanuteja also received 17 nominations for his debut film, Copy of Light at FFI 2021.

The film Budi Pekerti tells the story of Mrs. Prani (Sha Ine Febriyanti), a BK teacher who goes viral on the internet because the video scolds a market visitor. The video turned out to have an impact on her family members who also threatened Mrs. Prani's life.

Bu Prani's husband, Pak Didit (Dwi Sasono) is bipolar, while his two children Tita (Prilly Latuconsina) and Yudha (Angga Yunanda) experience rejection from their surrounding environment.

Budi Pekerti held a world premiere at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) last September and is planned to air on SXSW Sydney 2023.

Budi Pekerti's film will air theatrically on November 2, 2023, in Indonesian cinemas.