PKS Reminds Law Not To Become A Political Instrument After SYL Announces Suspect

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Mardani Ali Sera reminded that the law should not be used as an instrument of political interest, following the appointment of former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) as a suspect in a corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Strengthen the law fairly, don't be sharp to the opponent but blunt to friends. Don't use the law as an instrument for political interests and others," said Mardani as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 12.

He hopes that the law will be enforced sharply to anyone, not only to one party. As for the assessment of alleged injustice in the process of determining the suspect SYL, he handed it over to the public.

"Let the public judge because in a lot of information friends who are considered to be friends also have problems but not revealed. Well, we want all laws to be enforced sharply to anyone, not to one party," he said.

As the coalition partner of the NasDem Party, Mardani also conveyed that SYL should respect and face the applicable legal process.

He believes that the determination of the SYL suspect does not affect the strong public support for the presidential and vice presidential candidate Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Amin).

"We will see the impact in the survey, at this time we still believe that support for Amin continues to strengthen," he said.

Mardani said that the determination of the suspect SYL was one of the problems of the "attack" that had to be faced by the NasDem Party ahead of the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"For NasDem it is indeed difficult because it is a 'attack', we pray for them to be strong, strong, and we provide moral support that we as a coalition will continue to be together in winning the 'Amen'," he said.

Even though they have to face a difficult situation, he continued, PKS will remain with the NasDem Party in the Change Coalition to carry the "Amen" in the 2024 presidential election.

"From the start, when we brought the Change Coalition, we knew that the road would not be easy, there would be a lot, and this is one that we might have predicted because we have prepared mitigation," he said.

The KPK has officially named former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) as a suspect in the alleged extortion, gratification and money laundering case at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"With the entry of public reports and complete with information and data so that they can and find criminal events, so as to determine and announce the suspect: SYL (Syahrul YasinLimpo), Minister of Agriculture 2019-2024; KS (Kasdi Subagyono), Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, MH (Muhammad Hatta), Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery," said Deputy Chair Johanis Tanak.