NTT Ltd: Impact Of Hybrid Work Trends And AI Technology On Employee Experience

JAKARTA - NTT Ltd, the leading IT infrastructure and service company, has just released a 2023 Global Employee Experience Trends Report, a finding related to the impact of the current work trend on employee experience (EX).

The report found that 90 percent of businesses rate the implementation of hybrid jobs and remote jobs as having a positive impact on the company's profits.

However, less than half (48 percent globally and 51 percent in the Asian Pacific region) companies strongly agree that employees have access to the technology they need to work at home or in the office.

It should be noted that by using a hybrid work model, companies need to ensure that they provide the technology employees need to work effectively, wherever they are.

Responding to this study, Amit Dhingra, Vice President Executive of Network Services at NTT Ltd. commented that there is still what gap employees need with what the company provides.

"It's very positive to see that 73 percent of companies agree that hybrid work and remote work have driven their investment in terms of mobility over the past two years, but there's still a lot to do to reduce the gap and increase EX," Dhingra explained.

In addition to hybrid work, EX is also influenced by the increase in artificial intelligence (AI) technology which is the number one driver for future customer experience (CX) and EX strategy.

While the AI interface will be standard for 4 out of 5 companies in the next 12 months. However, 87 percent of companies agree that the role of humans remains an important element in interacting with customers.

"The AI adoption continues to grow, driven by the tangible business results brought by revolutionary AI technology. The company is looking for guidance on how to take advantage of everything AI can offer for success in dominating the market as well as supporting the fulfillment of employee needs and welfare," said Sheila total-Smith, President & Principal Analyst,mission-Smith Analytics.