Arto Biantoro Releases His Name Book?, 337 Local Brands Decorate His Cover

JAKARTA - Local brand activist Arto Biantoro released his second book entitled What's His Name? Understanding Brand Power and How to Find It on Friday, October 6 at Smesco Indonesia, South Jakarta. This book contains 231 pages, is divided into five chapters, and published by Pop issuers.

Previously, a graduate of higher education in the field of Informatics Systems from the California State University ofwas and the Advertising Design of the Academy of Art, San Francisco also released a book entitled Merk Indonesia Must Be Able.

His name book What? contains the ways and processes of creating brand names to how to build brands, whatever we need to know and understand.

"I hope this book can help anyone tactically to find out more about how to make brand names, especially for those who blank to get started. I also hope readers get ideas through the references I find," said the former creative director at the launch of his book.

Hundreds of local brands are mentioned in this book, including as many as 337 local brands appearing on the cover of the book What's their name? Regarding local brands, Arto also shared the unique appearance of several brands that are very attached to the Indonesian population. However, as a reference, Arto did not forget to tell stories about international brands.

Arto, who founded Image Brand, a local brand developer service, has a dream that the growth rate of entrepreneurship in Indonesia will increase and minimize the risk of failure. For him, entrepreneurship growth in Indonesia is a strategic factor for increasing competitiveness and the local economy so as to maintain the stability of the national economy.

He argues that brands can change their perspective and build nationalism. "That's what I believe and became the basis of this book. Many countries use their brand strength through various means and have now succeeded in building national pride. Now it's our turn," said Arto, the youngest son of nationalist Kris Biantoro full of optimism.

For this reason, Arto invites MSMEs to also understand the importance of a brand or logo. With a good logo, appropriate market targets, adequate budget, Arto hopes that MSMEs can market products to the maximum and achieve satisfactory sales. According to him, logos and packaging are the first way to build brands.

MSMEs can also advance their business with attractive packaging with Flexypacks that can raise the brand image of MSME players to international classes, and with food grade packaging makes products safer. We will continue to support government programs in developing MSMEs. With the presence of Flexypacks in all corners of the archipelago, the business feels easier and more real. We are committed to providing fast and quality services for customers," said Shirly Effendy, COO Flexypack.

Handoko Hendroyono, Co Founder of M Bloc and Philosophy Kopi in a book introduction also gave his views on brands. "Name is not just a name, but a power that can connect various interests. If properly explored, it can be superior intellectual property," he explained.