Sahroni Ensures Siti Nurbaya Remains Minister Of Environment And Forestry, Even Though Syahrul Yasin Limpo Resigns
General Treasurer (Bendum) of the NasDem Party Ahmad Sahroni said Siti Nurbaya Bakar would not resign from President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) cabinet as Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK).
The statement was made after stating Syahrul Yasin Limpo's decision to resign from the position of Minister of Agriculture (Mentan).
"No, still (as a minister), no one has resigned," Sahroni told reporters, Thursday, October 5.
In addition, Sahrino also agreed with the information that said Siti Nurbaya Bakar had met with Jokowi this afternoon. However, he admitted that he did not know what was being discussed.
"(The meeting of Siti Nurbaya) was with Pak Jokowi this afternoon," he said.
Untuk saat ini, yang diketahui Sahroni hanya usai pertemuan dengan Jokowi, Siti Nurbaya kemudian menggelar rapat dengan Ketua Umum Partai NasDem, Surya Paloh.
"I don't know yet, he's in a meeting," said Sahroni.
Previously it was reported, Sahroni confirmed that Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL would resign as Minister of Agriculture (Mentan).
The resignation of Syahrul Yasin Limpo was suspected of having a case of alleged corruption involving him.
"SYL resigned (as Minister of Agriculture) yes," said Sahroni.