Hot Weather, Honey Consumption Can Pump Body Resistant Power

JAKARTA - It is believed that the nature of honey can increase endurance to treat certain health problems. Currently, there are two types of honey, namely forest honey and cultivation honey.

Forest honey is considered to have health benefits, especially in the midst of hot weather that is full of pollution as has happened recently.

"Zat antioxidants in forest honey are more than livestock honey so it is good as a preventive measure so as not to be badly affected by pollution or hot weather. Or if it has been affected, forest honey has the efficacy to relieve coughs," said Inggrid Tania, Head of the Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Development Doctors Association (PDPOTJI), quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, October 5.

What distinguishes forest honey from cultivation honey is bees and their source. Forest honey is produced by apis dorsata-type bee that cannot be raised, while the source of it is wild plants that grow in the forest.

According to Inggrid, the quality of wild plants is better than raising cultivation plants because it contains many active compounds and enzymes that make the plant able to survive without human intervention.

In principle, all kinds of living things or wild plants are usually better than the cultivators. Then, because the living thing must be able to survive against the harshness of the environment, so it has more secondary metabolism and active compounds. And in general, because the plant producing it is getting more resilient, the resulting honey will be better," said Inggrid.

In addition, forest bees also obtain forest bees from various kinds of wild plants (multinektar), unlike cultivated bees that generally getrradiations from dominant sources. In fact, forest bees are believed to be able to search for sources as far as a dozen kilometers from the nest.

"We can't say that forest honey is better than cultivation honey. But, we can say that forest honey is 100 percent natural or organic, without any synthetic chemical mixture. Because the types of bees are also different, forest bees cannot be cultivated," Inggrid added.

However, especially for children, Inggrid highlighted its own properties which are owned by forest honey.

'Forest combat is good for children because it contains abundant enzymes and active compounds. He can provide additional nutrition, increase endurance, and even treat coughs. Even in the UK, honey is recommended for children who suffer from coughs due to COVID-19. And if the child is healthy, the appetite is getting better," he said.