Police Investigate Finding Requests For Assistance From Mass Organizations From The Head Of Kutabumi Market
TANGERANG - Police are investigating the findings of a letter containing a request for assistance to the People's Market Care Alliance-Banten from Perumda Niaga Kerta Raharja, Tangerang Regency, which was signed directly by the Head of Kutabumi Market, Hapid Fauzi.
Based on the data received, the Masyrakat Rakyat Pasar Rakyat-Banten Alliance contains six groups of community organizations (Ormas) called BPPKB, PPBNI, CORCAM Penyakir Banten, Pemuda Pancasila, Representatives of Eastern Indonesia Bersatu, and LAPBAS.
"We are investigating the official application letter from the head of Kutabumi Market to the Alliance," said Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Sigit Dany S when confirmed, Wednesday, September 27.
Sigit assessed that the official letter application showed a series of events in the looting that occurred at Kutabumi Market.
"This shows an incident scene. We will develop the motive," he said.
Meanwhile, the Acting Regent of Tangerang, Andi Ony Prihantono, said he would follow up on the findings. However, for handling the legal process, he gave up on the police.
"I said earlier, this will be followed up. It was mitigated by the security forces, especially from the National Police," he said.
Andi asked the public to wait for the results of the police investigation so that the police can reveal who was involved in the riots.
"We'll wait. He (the police) has the expertise to mitigate who he is, who is involved in this," he said.