6 Houses In Bangka Damaged By Tornadoes

BANGKA - Bangka Police, Bangka Belitung Islands, recorded as many as six housing units in RT 08 Selendang Jaya Hamlet, Sempan Bangka Village were damaged by a tornado.

Bangka Police Chief, AKBP Taufik Noor through the Sempan Village Bhabinkamtibmas, Bripka Nomo Pratomo said, six houses belonging to residents in the village were damaged, each belonging to Musmulyadi, Noris Alamsyah, Darmiti, Zuratman, Ayuzmi and Yayan Heri.

Although it did not result in any casualties, it is known that one unit of Yayan Heri's house was badly damaged, while the house affected by the wind natural disaster was categorized as moderate damage.

"The physical damage to the house due to the natural disaster of a tornado for its inmates," said Nomo Pratomo,dominated at the top of the house that was released, estimated that the loss of the victim reached millions of rupiah.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD Bangka Regency, Ridwan, said that his party had deployed a number of Rapid Response Unit (URC) teams to collect data on victims.

"We are currently collecting data on victims' losses, including distributing tarpaulins for temporary roofs for victims' houses," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 22.

In addition to the natural disaster of the tornado, said Ridwan, his party received reports of a house fire belonging to a resident of Suryandi (41), on Thursday (21/9) at 22.00 WIB at RT 10 Telang Luar Hamlet, Gunung Muda Village, Belinyu District.

The house fire that resulted in a number of household furniture being damaged was estimated at a loss of Rp. 50 million.