17 Railway Field Crossings In Lampung Closed In The Last 3 Years
A total of 17 illegal crossing points on the Lampung railway line from 2020 to 2023.
"From 2020 to 2023, we have closed 17 illegal crossing points. In fact, some of them are outside the program," said Executive Vice President of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Regional Division IV Tanjungkarang, Januri, in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung, Thursday, September 21, confiscated by Antara.
Januri said that there are currently around 228 crossings in the area and the KAI Tanjungkarang route, both official and wild.
"There are still things that are not maintained, even though it is an official level crossing, especially those that are not official or wild," he added.
He added that until now the level crossing guarded by officers is 39 lanes, while the rest is not or has not been maintained.
"Meanwhile, crossings are not in the same field, both in the form of flyovers and underpasses, totaling 17 and so far have closed 17 illegal field crossings in order to improve public safety and normalize railway lines," explained Januri.
Regarding the number of accidents at level crossings, Divre IV Tanjungkarang noted that up to now 29 incidents have occurred.
"For details, it happened 16 times between motorized vehicles and 13 times with pedestrians," he added.
According to Januri, there are a number of obstacles in closing illegal crossings that always appear every year.
"Every year, illegal crossings always grow, even though the rules are clear (forbidden)," said Januri.
PT KAI often deals with the public to provide socialization and education related to illegal crossings.
"The problem is, there is our socio-cultural, so it must be educated. This is because the rejection of significant citizens is related to the closure of this level of crossing; but that is not something that cannot be discussed because people really need a solution if it is closed," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Lampung Province Transportation Service (Dishub) Bambang Sumbogo said that every year there are still illegal crossings caused by new settlements and new business activities.
"That the principle must not be a level crossing, that is the principle. So, that's what we hope for in the future," said Sumbogo.
The Lampung Transportation Agency also intensely went to the field with related parties to monitor and reduce illegal crossings in a field.
"Actually, there has been a Decree (SK) of the Governor of Lampung regarding engineering management at level crossings. It is hoped that all of them can collaborate with the city government and district government which are crossed by the railway line, how to handle this illegal route; because there are really many losses experienced in the event of an accident at the railroad crossing," said Sumbogo.