PDIP: Jokowi Takes Serious Attention To Problems On Pulau Rempang

JAKARTA - Secretary-General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto assessed that the government has been serious in overcoming problems on Pulau Rempang, Batam City, Riau Islands (Kepri).

Hasto said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is paying serious attention to the problem.

"We see that the government is serious, including with Mr. President Jokowi taking this issue very seriously," said Hasto at the Jakarta PDIP DPP Office, Tuesday, September 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said his party entrusted the government and communicated with party ranks related to Rempang.

"We trust the government and we communicate with the party ranks," he added.

Hasto reminded that in principle the people should not be sacrificed and the law must be enforced in solving problems in Rempang. The PDI-P, he continued, also prioritized dialogue.

"So that in state management, including investment, prioritizes justice, then equality when facing legal problems, and then by means of dialogue," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia ensured that the rights of the residents of Rempang could be fulfilled and emphasized that investment plans in the region must continue.

Bahlil emphasized that the handling in the field responded to protests that some residents who refused to move would be carried out in a good way. He emphasized that it is important for the government to fulfill the rights of the people of Rempang regarding the transfer of residents of Pulau Rempang to Galang Island, Batam, Riau Islands.

Bahlil gave residents the opportunity to speak directly with the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo by telephone during a visit to the house of a Malay figure on Pulau Rempang, Batam City, Riau Islands, Sunday, September 17 evening.

Bahlil said compensation for Rempang residents affected by the investment would be adjusted to the assets owned by residents.

He explained that the adjusted compensation money was calculated from the rights that had previously been determined and would be given to residents, namely land covering an area of 500 square meters already with a rights base, type 45 house for Rp120 million, waiting for the transition to the house to be Rp1.2 million per life and house rental money of Rp1.2 million.