2 Suspects Alleged Corruption Of PKH Rice Social Assistance Detained, Kuncoro Wibowo When?

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has detained former Commercial Director of PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR), Budi Susanto and former Vice President of Operations of PT BGR, April Chuniawan.

Both are suspects in alleged corruption in the distribution of social assistance (bansos) for the Family Hope Program (PKH). They will be detained for the first 20 days and can be extended.

"For the needs of the investigation process, the investigative team detained suspect BS and suspect AC at the KPK Detention Center," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron in a press conference at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, September 15.

Currently, five suspects have been detained at the KPK detention center. Apart from Budi and April, the KPK has detained three others, namely, the President Director of Mitra Energi Persada (MEP), Ivo Wongkaren; advisory team of PT Primalayan Teknologi Persada (PTP) Roni Ramdani and Richard Cahyanto.

Meanwhile, another suspect, namely the President Director of PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR) Muhammad Kuncoro Wibowo, has not been arrested. Ghufron has not specified when the former President Director of PT Transjakarta was detained but he was asked to fulfill the summons made.

"We remind the MKW suspect to cooperate to be present again at the next summons," he said.

In this case, Budi and April, known to Kuncoro, allegedly prepared companies that were not competent in distributing social assistance. This incident occurred after the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) appointed PT BGR to distribute it.

The value of this work contract reached Rp326 billion. Then, there were a number of frauds committed by Budi and April.

Among them is intimidating a number of staff to make engineered auction documents. As a result of the actions of the state suspects then lost up to IDR 127.5 billion.