Exchanged Baby In Bogor, Sentosa Hospital Threatened With Compensation Of IDR 2 Billion

BOGOR - Sentosa Hospital (RS) is threatened with losses because it is subject to a fine of around Rp. 2 billion. This is based on the lawsuit of the accused baby's family.

This was revealed by Attorney Siti Mauliah M Rusydiyana Nur Ridho. His party chose to focus on the direction of the criminal report.

"What we report is management or business actors in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law article 8 which carries a 5-year threat with the threat of a fine of Rp. 2 billion," said Rusydi, Sunday, September 10.

Meanwhile, his party is also still waiting for the progress of the case report. Because D's family chose the path of civil lawsuit against Kemang Hospital.

"For Mrs. Siti (our client) has not yet led to a civil lawsuit, because there are several legalities that want to be taken care of first," explained Rusydi.

However, he still highlighted the role of the Bogor District Health Office, which currently does not see its role and responsibility. In fact, two other agencies have been involved in taking roles, namely the Social Service and DP3AP2KB.

"The Bogor District Health Office has absolutely no responsibility. Even though the operational permit for the hospital is in its sector," he regretted.

Previously, this exchange of baby cases had entered the bonding period of two families. In fact, currently, babies have started to stay at their respective families.

Later the exchange process will be carried out at the end of September and accompanied by the Bogor Police, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, the Central KPAI, and related agencies.