Residents Of Sandratex Ciputat Silence About Imam Masykur, Maybe Because The Perpetrators Are Paspampres And TNI

TANGERANG Wednesday night, August 30 at around 21.00 WIB, after the kidnapping of Imam Masykur (25) who was killed by members of the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) and Two TNI last week, residents on Jalan Sandratex Rempoa, Ciputat, South Tangerang, were muted.

The activity on the road is not as usual, it looks quiet even though there are several stalls that are still open. Local teenagers are seen spending time on the edge of a shop covered in rolling doors.

In front of a cosmetic shop, where Imam Masykur works, it feels so different. Local residents don't feel so friendly. They are cold. Maybe they were afraid. Considering the incident Imam was dragged from the shop by three well-built people who claimed to be members of the police. Moreover, they know Imam died tragically. Plus the circulation of videos of torture.

Many residents were silent after the incident. Again, they are afraid to speak. Yes, because the perpetrator is the president's security person, based on the TNI. However, VOI did not give up to find the slightest information.

Agus is one of the residents who finally wanted to tell a story. However, Agus is not his real name, he asked to be disguised. Agus said that the incident occurred on August 12, at 17.00 WIB.

That afternoon, Agus said, a young man approached Imam who was in a cosmetic shop. The well-built man forcibly pulled Imam. Suddenly, Imam shouted to get attention from local residents to help him.

"Imam immediately grabbed Imam. Imam immediately shouted 'robbed' the children (residents) immediately ran noisy (beaten up with a young man who dragged Imam)," Agus told VOI at the location, Wednesday, August 30.

When residents attacked the young man, Agus continued in a slow voice, it turned out that there were two of his friends who helped who claimed to be members of the police.

"Finally, the two young men came again, 'I'm a member' and the children stopped (the perpetrators). Finally, Imam was dragged into the car, the children just looked at it because the person was a member," said Agus.

Hearing Agus' story, so imagine how the situation at the crime scene (TKP) was. Imam was kidnapped to be persecuted, residents let it go at that time. But wait a minute, actually residents don't know about the cruelty. Because he thought, the perpetrators were carrying out state duties. Residents were fooled. After the incident, residents did not know the news of the next Imam.

Agus revealed, after a few days later, he heard the news that Imam had died. In addition, there were videos of torture carried out by Paspampres elements, as well as reports in a number of media.