Support The RBA OSS Ecosystem, KSP Initiating Inter-Ministerial Cooperation In The Use Of National Data Centers
The Presidential Staff Office initiated cooperation between ministries in the use of the National Data Center (PDN) to support the risk-based business licensing ecosystem (OSS RBA). This aims to accelerate the consolidation of national data and the integration of national public services.
The cooperation was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by five ministries. Namely, the Ministry of Communication and Information, the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, the Ministry of ATR/BPN, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
The Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, accompanied by Deputy I KSP, Febry Calvin Tetelepta, witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on the provision and utilization of PDN infrastructure for OSS RBA, at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 16.
On that occasion, Moeldoko asked that after the signing of the cooperation agreement there would be no more sectoral egos in each ministry regarding the use of PDN in the implementation of OSS RBA. Moreover, President Joko Widodo has mandated government systems and applications both at the central and regional levels to be integrated with PDN, including for OSS RBA.
"The president has said that there are no more new applications. Everyone must refer to PDN. Including for this RBA OSS," said Moeldoko.
Moeldoko emphasized that the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding must be followed by a clear road map or road map in the use of PDN for the development of the OSS RBA basic licensing ecosystem. Including the issue of security and smoothness.
"Never leak data and failures that can harm the public. We have to make sure this RBA OSS is safer, faster, and smoother. The public should know about this," said Moeldoko.
On the same occasion, Deputy I of the Presidential Chief of Staff, Febry Calvin Tetelepta, said that cooperation between ministries related to the provision and utilization of PDN infrastructure for the RBA OSS ecosystem could be realized after going through a long process. He said, since early 2023, KSP through Deputy I has conducted eight joint coordination meetings with ministries/agencies to find solutions so that the use of PDN in the implementation of OSS RBS runs optimally.
This is a big job and it's not easy. We (KSP) seriously monitor it through our internal monitoring system, namely Distra (strategic issue database)," said Febry.
He said the cooperation agreement would be the basis for continuing to accelerate the availability of national data center infrastructure. Not only integrating with the RBA OSS, but also with other basic licensing assistants.
Like Spatial Planning on GISTaru, the Environment on AMDALnet, as well as buildings and buildings on SIMBG. "If this goes optimally, we can bring a safe, easy, and fast investment climate," he concluded.
As is known, the use of the National Data Center (PDN) in the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) program in all government agencies is an instruction from President Joko Widodo. This is regulated in Presidential Decree No. 95/2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems.
The use of PDN aims to accelerate the consolidation of national data, integration of national public services, guaranteeing the security of information and sovereignty of state data or personal data of Indonesian citizens, as well as budget efficiency.