Air Quality Doesn't Improve, DPR Agrees WFH To Be Implemented Again
JAKARTA - The DPR will support President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) proposal regarding the possibility of implementing Work From Home (WFH) following the recent deteriorating air conditions, especially in the Greater Jakarta area. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, WFH became a powerful way to suppress the spread of the virus but did not interfere with the economy.
"I support the WFH policy as a basis for strengthening the air to return to Jakarta and its surroundings for the better. This is because the air quality of workers has an impact on health," said Member of Commission IV DPR, Daniel Johan, Monday, August 14.
Based on data from the DKI Jakarta Health Office, around 100 thousand residents of the capital city are infected with acute respiratory infections or (ARI) every month due to air pollution. Meanwhile, in the vulnerable January to June 2023, there were 638,291 cases of ARI in Jakarta.
"So the government needs to consider ways to reduce the impact of air pollution in various ways because health is the right of the Indonesian people. This includes encouraging the implementation of WFH to agencies and offices," said Daniel.
"With WFH, reducing air pollution from people's vehicles used for work can be reduced. After all, during the WFH pandemic, it also has little impact on the economy. So we need to study and consider it together," he continued.
Daniel also highlighted the factories suspected of carrying out air pollution around Jakarta, including in South Tangerang which are reported to be the most polluting cities in Indonesia. This is known based on the records of Indonesian Breath, an air quality monitoring agency.
In the latest note issued by Breath, the average 2.5 PM air pollutants in South Tangerang in July were at 60 erg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter), up from 56 mg/m3. Apart from pollutants, large burning of waste and the factor in the large number of factories caused South Tangerang to have poorer air quality than the capital city.
Daniel said smoke from industrial factories is also one of the most fatal and air quality pollutions. Therefore, he encourages local governments (Pemda) to carry out periodic evaluations of factories to continue referring to their Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal).
"The industry around Jabodetabek must be properly examined, the issue of Amdal and its pollution handling must be in accordance with existing regulations. If proven to have violated, the local government must dare to take action to revoke its business license," said Daniel.
Legislator dari Dapil Kalimantan Barat I ini menambahkan, Pemerintah harus menjadikan pengawasan terhadap pabrik-pabrik yang menggunakan bahan bakar batu dalam menjalankan operasionalnya. Sebab, kata Daniel, batu bara melepas sulfur dalam bentuk gas sulfur dioxiden (SO2) yang juga menghasilkan unparti karbon black dalam jumlah banyak yang berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan.
The DPR encourages local governments to promote socialization to factories so as not to use coal as fuel. For factories that still use coal fuel must be replaced with gas," he explained.
Coal burning over the past century has caused the earth to become hotter. This condition makes climate change that disrupts natural stability. For living things, especially humans, coal burning particles can enter the lungs and cause respiratory disease.
Daniel said the steel smelting industry was one of the contributors to air pollution. With this condition, factories in the capital buffer zone allow pollution issued by the opposing scheme to be carried to Jakarta.
"I will explore this problem, I think the cause of bad air is mainly because industries whose pollution waste is released through the trash and carried to Jakarta. Moreover, the dry season is added, which makes the air quality not washed away," said Daniel.
Commission IV of the DPR RI, which is in the wrong scope of its duties related to the Environment, asked the public to be proactive in reporting if they knew there were factories that carried out air pollution. Daniel also asked the Ministry of Environment and the Regional Environment Agency to be responsive to this condition.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Environment is asked to cooperate with relevant agencies and stakeholders to make weather engineering in order to reduce the impact of air pollution. Daniel said that long drought must be addressed so that the impact is not felt by the people for more time.
On the other hand, Daniel encourages mass transportation to be reproduced and can reach all regions. Thus, the community will reduce the use of private vehicles which have a direct impact on congestion and air pollution.
"Now the problem is, there are still many mass transportation that are not supportive in various areas of Jakarta. This is also an obstacle, how the government prepares integrated transportation so as to attract people to switch to public transportation," explained Daniel.
"The quantity must also be increased, to support the activities of Jakarta residents and their surroundings. So there is no longer a buildup of passengers. Quality must also be maintained, so that passengers are safe, comfortable and calm in traveling in Jakarta," he concluded.