DKI Provincial Government Calls Vehicle Tickets Not Passing Emission Test Implemented In The Next 2 Months

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, said that the imposition of a ticket for vehicles that have not or did not pass the emission test in Jakarta will be enforced in the next 2 months. Asep said, this ticketing plan has been coordinated by the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya. Currently, Polda Metro Jaya is preparing the implementation of its vehicle crossing. "Yesterday there was a request from Polda friends to be serious, because the most effective for us to control pollution is with a ticket. Hopefully in a month or two, this is it," Asep told reporters, Thursday, August 3.The explanation explained that the emission test ticketing was carried out in order to control the quality of Jakarta's air which is no longer healthy. Jakarta is often one of the cities with the highest air pollution levels in the world. Meanwhile, the mobilization of motorized vehicles in Jakarta contributed the biggest pollution with a contribution of around 70 percent. Thus, Asep hopes that this ticketing will make the public aware of the public immediately to carry out emission tests. Moreover, the emission test services provided by the DKI Provincial Government are not charged. "The emission test service is only a small part, one way to improve air quality. Well, as long as the residents of Jakarta have not moved to carry out emission tests consciously, our conditions are still like this," explained Asep.

For information, the DKI Provincial Government is carrying out efforts to improve the air quality of the Capital City which refers to the Governor's Instruction (Ingub) Number 66 of 2019 concerning Air Quality Control. One of the efforts is motor vehicle emission tests. So far, there have been a number of policies that encourage the implementation of emission tests, ranging from the ban on the extension of the STNK, fines for motor vehicle tax extensions, to disincentive parking rates at certain locations for vehicles that have not passed the emission test.