NTB Mataram Social Service Values Supporting Wise Protection Steps For ODGJ

NTB - Mataram City Social Service (Disnsos) assesses that the installation is considered a form of wise protection for people with mental disorders (ODGJ). Including for ODGJ families, and the surrounding community.

The head of the Mataram City Social Service Office, Sudirman, said that pasung does not mean being tortured, but provides protection. According to him, the family can also control ODGJ's condition more optimally.

"With the support, the family can control more optimally, both for eating, urinating and defecating, taking medicine and others," he said in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, Tuesday, July 1, which was confiscated by Antara.

Therefore, he assessed that what parents had done earlier by carrying out their families who had mental disorders was a form of their responsibility to their families and society. Instead of being allowed to roam around, it will be difficult to control even without eating, sleeping carelessly and others so that it can have an impact on yourself and others.

"As a result, it is not uncommon for ODGJ incidents to commit criminal acts or otherwise they become victims," he said.

In addition, if ODGJ is allowed to roam around, it will be difficult for other people to care, let alone provide protection.

"If he is in pasung, ODGJ is much more controlled and protected," he said.

However, he continued, if the current pasung is not allowed because it seems discriminatory, ODGJ can be isolated as is the case in a mental hospital (RSJ).

"Because the handling of ODGJ at the RSJ is almost the same, namely by being isolated, the difference is that treatment at home does not have drugs and psychiatrists," he said.

Sudirman said that the case of ODGJ pasung in Mataram City currently does not exist.

Meanwhile, the number of ODGJ data in Mataram City in 2022 was 28 people. They have undergone treatment at the RSJ and returned it to their families so they don't roam anymore.

"After leaving the RSJ, those who have a caring family can still be accompanied and controlled periodically to the RSJ and get medicine," he said.

As for 2023, the Mataram Social Service Office still sees one ODGJ roaming around. The ODGJ has been in and out of the RSJ 7 times, it's just that his family doesn't care anymore and ODGJ returns to the streets.

"We have recommended 7 times to the RSJ, after returning to the family no one takes care of it and attention so he is back on the loose again. So this is a job that you don't have," he said.