MAKUKU Facial Towel, Putting On The Face Of A Traditional Substitute

JAKARTA - Face skin has thinner skin barriers and more nerve ends than other parts of the body's skin. In addition, skin cell changes are slower naturally.
Because it takes longer to replace skin cells, dead cells can last longer on the skin so that they appear dry, dull, even scaly. In addition to natural facial skin factors, cosmetics are also the main trigger factors for sensitive skin, especially in women, due to excessive use and sometimes improper use.
The content of substances that have the potential to irritate in composition such as alpha-hydroxy acid, glycol propylene, alcohol and fagrance increases the possibility of sesnitive skin symptoms. With sensitive facial skin conditions, of course, the face is easier to experience problems such as dryness, acne, irritation, itching and eczema.
MAKUKU as a brand that focuses on technological innovation and product quality launching MAKUKU Facial Towel made of 100 percent non-weaving natural plant fiber. MAKUKU Facial Towel excels over similar products because according to research results it is proven that it is not irritant or does not contain fluorescent bleach and formaldehyde that can endanger health.
Both sides of MAKUKU Facial Towel are created differently to maximize the benefits of their use. On the A side, Mutiara patterned with a 3D touch that serves to clean pores and facial impurities in depth. Meanwhile, side B is created plain, soft and comfortable to facilitate the skin care needed.
Uniquely, MAKUKU Facial Towel can be used for dry use because it absorbs moisture quickly or wet use together with skin cleansing products and can also be used as wet cloth.Jason Lee, CEO of MAKUKU Indonesia said that higher sensitivity to capsaicin was shown in Caucasians followed by Asians. This is one of the reasons MAKUKU launched MAKUKU Facial Towel.
Moreover, the habit of using towels to clean your face is still very common. Meanwhile, towels are a medium of transmission for fungi, bacteria, and microorganisms that cause skin diseases.
"Micoorganism grows faster in humid places, so that towels become a medium suitable for bacteria and fungi to reproduce. In addition to cleaning the face, MAKUKU Facial Towel can also be used to clean the skin of your Little One and her eating utensils," he said, in a written statement, Friday, July 14.Jason Lee added, not only in adults, baby skin that is sensitive often has problems, including rashes, irritations, or even eczema skin. One of the triggers of eczema skin is a dryer such as a rough cloth.
Ladies need to maintain your little one's skin hygiene and choose the right care products for their sensitive skin, one of which is by using soft materials and avoiding products that contain alcohol. Apart from MAKUKU Facial Towel, MAKU Air Tissue products are also suitable for cleaning the sensitive skin of your Little One," he added. MAKUKU Air Tissue is a tissue lotion with superior softness from the best ingredients such as 80 percent wood pulp and 20 percent natural glycerin so that it is safe when in contact with the skin because the surface is soft and not dry. MAKU Air Tissue is different from ordinary tissue because it does not contain coarse fiber which can help prevent irritation of sensitive skin.