DPR Considers Bawaslu To Exceed Authority To Propose Postponement Of Simultaneous Regional Head Elections In 2024

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Junimart Girsang assessed that the proposed Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) to postpone the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada exceeded its authority and not the realm of capacity.

"Now the Bawaslu has a discourse in my opinion that it exceeds the authority and exceeds its main duties," Junimart said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 14.

Because, he said, Bawaslu's authority is to oversee the stages of the election. For example, summoning the General Elections Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia if it deviates in carrying out the stages of the election.

"It's not your job (Bawaslu) to say 'delay, stop, right? If there are election organizers at this stage who deviate, call the KPU, you can be summoned as there are reports from the public, reports from election participants about the work of the KPU which are not true. Except for the KPU talking about delays because they are direct organizers, yes of course we will evaluate, of course we will ask the KPU's opinion why should we postpone it," he said.

Therefore, he asked Bawaslufokus to carry out his duties and authorities in supervising the implementation of the election stages purely and non-politically.

"There is no need to talk about making up issues that are not worth it. We just focus on economic recovery. Bawaslu also helps the government," he said.

Junimart admitted that she was surprised to hear the news of Bawaslu's proposal to postpone the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. He admitted that he was surprised that the proposal was made by Bawaslu to the public and not to Commission II of the DPR.

"We are surprised, what's wrong? That's right. Yes, it's better if these organizers, Bawaslu, KPU in particular, and the government, in this case the Minister of Home Affairs, synergize, right, there's no need to blame each other," he said.

In fact, Junimart assessed that Bawaslu's proposal was made up because the schedule for determining the 2024 election had been mutually agreed upon by the government and election organizers in 2022.

"In the Bawaslu consignment, KPU, DKPP, and the government, in this case the Minister of Home Affairs, we all agree that for November 24, the election, February 14, is the presidential election," he said.

Instead of delaying the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections, he instead suggested that the implementation be advanced.

"If I can be advanced, if it can be advanced, why should it be postponed? So I'm back now," said Junimart.

Bawaslu previously proposed the government and election organizers, such as the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia to discuss the option of delaying the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.

According to Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja as quoted from the official Bawaslu website, the option to postpone the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada should be discussed because its implementation coincides with the 2024 General Election and there is also the potential for disruption of security and order.

"We are actually worried that the 2024 Election (Pilkada) will be due to the vote in November 2024, in which October 2024 will be the new presidential inauguration, of course with ministers and officials who may change. Therefore, we propose that we should discuss the option of postponement of elections (pilkada) because this is the first time simultaneously," said Bagja.