Students Died In ITB Drone Trial Accident Conduct Investigation

BANDUNG - Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) conducted an investigation into the death of a student named Muhammad Rasyid Ghifary as a result of an accident during a test of a drone (UAV) or drone at the Sulaiman Air Force Base (Lanud), Bandung Regency, West Java.

Head of the ITB Public Relations Bureau, Naomi Haswanto, said the investigation was carried out by a team of supervisors of the Aksantara Student Activity Unit (UKM) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Aerospace (FTMD). Aksantara is a SME engaged in flying robotics.

"The ITB Chancellor and his staff express their deepest condolences to Fary's family (Ghifary) who is also an ITB alumnus and to the FTMD extended family for Fary's passing," said Naomi, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 8.

Naomi explained that the test of the drone by Ghifary with his friends at SME Aksantara at Sulaiman Air Base, Tuesday, June 6, was part of the preparation of the Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (KRTI).

The accident began when the Aksantara Team and Ghifary were preparing a paratel to conduct a ride test. The lightning device, continued Naomi, consists of large elastic rubber attached to a large iron peg.

"However, the condition of the ground where the stake was moved was apparently muddy and not strong enough to hold it. So, the peg fell and hit Fary in the lower jaw of his right," he explained.

After the incident, Ghifary was immediately rushed to Sulaiman Air Base Hospital. However, Ghifary's life could not be saved and was declared dead by a doctor at the hospital.

"The doctor stated that the deceased (Ghifary) died at 17.44 (WIB) due to blunt injuries," he added.

Naomi has not been able to confirm the sustainability of the Aksantara SME activity. However, according to him, Aksantara has made many achievements in the flying robot contest championship, both on a national and international scale.

"There has been no news that the Aksantara SME will be frozen. However, the ITB leadership appealed to all students who are active in SMEs to always act carefully in their activities," he said.