Often Overshadowed By The Potential For High Waves, NTT Fishermen Get Education To Monitor The Weather From BMKG

NTT - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has expanded weather forecast information for coastal communities, especially fishermen in Tanjung Boleng Village, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

"This aims to provide weather forecast information before carrying out fishing activities," said Head of BMKG Komodo Labuan Bajo Meteorological Station, Sti Nenotek, from Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, Monday, June 5, as reported by Antara.

The expansion of information and weather forecast education that has been carried out by BMKG is part of a collaboration with SMA Lentera Harapan Labuan Bajo and the Environment and Land Service of West Manggarai Regency.

The activity, named Mission Service Learning (MSL), was held in Tanjung Boleng Village on Saturday, June 3.

Sti explained that education is given to people in Tanjung Boleng Village who mostly have livelihoods as fishermen to understand weather forecasts before going to sea.

coastal communities are taught how to see or check weather information that is already on the website or application that can be accessed via cellphone.

In addition, they can also ask via WhatsApp (WA) group or call directly to Komodo Meteorological Station to get weather information before going to sea, especially when bad weather occurs.

"Information related to this weather is important for fishermen to know so that there is no ship accident at sea," said Sti.

The head of the MSL Implementation Team from Lentera Harapan Labuan Bajo High School, Angly Sae said, the collaboration with BMKG aims to provide understanding to coastal communities regarding disaster mitigation due to weather and climate change.

"Hopefully they can avoid disasters due to extreme weather and climate that tend to change due to the impact of global warming," he said.