Reasons For The Importance Of Maintaining PH Balance On Facial Skin

JAKARTA - Maintaining the balance of facial skin pH is an important aspect of getting healthy and beautiful skin. The PH scale measures the acidity or acidity of a substance and ranges from 0 to 14, where 7 are neutral, the value below 7 is acidic, and the value above 7 is baseline. The pH level of healthy skin is slightly acidic, ranging from 4.5 to 5.5.

Adapting the Times of India, Friday, May 16, Dr. Nivedita Dadu, Famous Skin Doctor, Founder and Chairman of Dadu Medical Center explained in detail about the importance of maintaining pH balance on facial skin.

balanced pH skin is essential to maintain in order to produce healthy skin barriers. Healthy skin barriers will protect the skin from pollutants, harmful microorganisms, and moisture loss. PH imbalance can disrupt barriers and cause some skin problems such as dry skin, sensitive, inflammation, and acne.

When the pH level of the skin is too high or too low, the skin becomes more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections or can cause skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and rosacea.

In order for the pH of the skin to maintain a balance, there are several steps you can take, namely;

Use skin care products with balanced pH

Using skin care products with balanced pH can help maintain natural pH-level skin susceptibility. It's very important to choose products designed specifically for your skin type. Different skin types have different pH levels, so it's important to choose products that are suitable for your skin. Using products that are too basey, such as hard soap, can interfere with the pH balance of the skin, causing dry and disturbed skin.

Avoid hard products and bases

Hard products and bases can interfere with the skin's pH balance and cause

skin problems. It is important to avoid the use of hard products such as scrubs, astringens, and toners that contain high levels of alcohol or salicylic acid. Instead, choose a soft cleaning that has balanced pH.

Avoid over-exfoliating

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and increase cell renewal. However, excessive exfoliation can interfere with the skin's natural pH balance, causing irritation and inflammation. It is better to limit exfoliation too often, enough or twice a week and use soft exfoliators.

Stay hydrated

Drinking a lot of water can help maintain the skin's natural pH balance. Water helps water the poison from the body, causing the skin to look healthier. Extorted skin can look dull, dry, and scaly so it is important to stay hydrated by drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.

Maintaining the balance of pH of the skin is very important to get healthy and beautiful skin. By using skin care products with balanced pH, avoiding harsh products and bases, limiting skin exfoliation, using proper facial cleansing, and staying hydrated, can maintain the natural pH balance of the skin. Paying attention to the pH level of the skin and making the necessary changes to skin care routines can make the skin look best.