18 Universities Revoked Operational Permits Since January 2023, This Is The Reason For The Ministry Of Education And Culture

PADANG- Officials of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) conveyed an explanation of the reasons for the revocation of the university's operational permit.

Director of Institutions of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture Lukman said there were at least four main reasons for the revocation of the university's operational permit.

The first cause is that the university does not meet the national standards for the implementation of higher education, including in terms of the application of curriculum, teaching and learning processes, and assessments.

In some cases there are universities that open registration and accept students but after that do not carry out the learning process effectively.

The second cause of the revocation of the operational permit of a university, according to him, is fraud. For example, the government provides scholarships but universities do not distribute them to those who are entitled.

The third factor that can cause the revocation of the university's operational permit, said Lukman, is the existence of internal chaos in universities.

As an illustration, disputes sometimes occur between private university managers founded by families or groups and this can interfere with the implementation of education at the university concerned.

"From that chaos, it is not uncommon for campuses to be closed and so on," said Lukman.

The fourth factor that can cause the revocation of permits, he continued, is that universities are no longer able to apply the standards set by the government regarding the implementation of higher education.

During 2022, the Ministry of Education and Culture revoked the operational permit for 31 universities.

Meanwhile, in 2023 during the January to March period, the government has revoked the operational permits of 17 universities.

On Wednesday (24/5), the government revoked the operational permit for one university which has 6,800 students.