Moeldoko Opens Secrets Of Jokowi's Government Withdraws Investment In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko emphasized that President Joko Widodo's administration has worked hard to create a conducive investment climate. Namely, by focusing on economic and political stability, effective and efficient development of logistics systems, as well as simplifying regulations.

"These three are strategic steps by President Jokowi's government in creating an attractive investment climate for investors," said Moeldoko when speaking at the SW International Partner Converence 2023 forum, in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 24.

For information, the SW International Partner Converence 2023 forum was attended by the leadership of a network of accounting offices and business consultants from 19 countries. Through this conference, accountants and business consultants can be a catalyst for the investment of their respective state entrepreneurs.

Moeldoko explained, as a democracy, it is important for Indonesia to maintain a balance between stability and openness. Because if a policy that is too stable can make Indonesia undeveloped and closed from change. On the other hand, if a country is too open, it is also not good. Because it will lose its ideology and become unstable.

"As a result, state security has become disrupted. We can see this condition in several countries in the Middle East," he explained.

As for the development of an effective and efficient logistics system, said Moeldoko, President Jokowi's government has built various infrastructures to bring mobility closer. Such as the development of an integrated transportation network, airports, and modern ports.

Meanwhile, in terms of regulations, Moeldoko ensured that the Indonesian government had simplified regulations with the omnibus law approach. Where there are 72 laws that have been harmonized. "So that it can provide maximum certainty, convenience, and public services," he added.

On that occasion, the 2013-2015 TNI Commander also said that Indonesia had a big vision, namely to become a developed country in 2045 with per capita income reaching $23,000. To realize this vision, President Jokowi's government has taken five strategic steps. Namely, the development of Human Resources, continuing infrastructure development, improving regulations, bureaucratic reform, and carrying out economic transformation.

Regarding the transformation of the economy towards a green economy, Indonesia is already on the track. This is the result of the World Bank's assessment, "concluded Moeldoko.