The US Government Will Check The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Monitoring Workers
JAKARTA - The White House announced on Tuesday May 23 that it would ask workers how their providers use artificial intelligence (AI) in monitoring workers when they allocate federal investment in this technology which is expected to change the nature of the work.
The White House will hold hearing sessions with workers to understand their experiences with the use of automation technology by industry in terms of monitoring, monitoring, and evaluation. This call will involve interim job experts, researchers, and policymakers.
Millions of users have tried applications and artificial intelligence tools (AI), whose proponents claim to be able to make medical diagnosises, write film scenarios, create legal summaries, and improve software, raising growing concerns about how these technologies can cause privacy breaches, affect employment decisions, and empower fraud and disinformation campaigns.
As part of this technology evaluation, the government will announce new measures, including federal investment plans in updated AI research, public input requests on AI risks, and new reports from the Department of Education on how AI affects teaching, learning, and research.
The new hearing and measures came after a meeting held by US President Joe Biden this month with leading chief executive companies in the field of artificial intelligence, including Alphabet Inc's Microsoft and Google.
The meeting focused on the need for these companies to be more transparent about their AI system and the importance of evaluating the safety of these products.
The White House has stated that President Biden has also used AI technology and experimented with the technology.
Shortly after Biden announced his candidacy for re-election, the Republican National Committee made a video featuring a dystopian future during Biden's second term, which was made entirely with AI images.
It is hoped that political advertising like that will become more common along with the spread of AI technology.