Train Physical And Mental Health With Yoga

JAKARTA - yoga sports can train physical fitness and mental health to improve behavior. This was conveyed by the Coordinator of the Special Staff of the President of the Republic of Indonesia AAGN Ari Dwipayana at the Saka Yoga Festival at the Garuda Mandala Candi Prambanan ", Yogyakarta, Sunday, May 1.

"This is in accordance with the essence of yoga taught by Maha Rsi Patanjali, which mentions citta vritti nirodha yoga, yoga controls the mind," said Ari Dwipayana, quoted from ANTARA.

"It is important for us to remember that this yoga comes from the word yuj, which means unification or merging. What is the unification about? The unification between the aman and paramatman. Our unification with nature. The unification between the small universe and the big universe," he explained.

Thus, he continued, yoga not only trains physical and body fitness, but also teaches humans to recognize the body. According to Ari, if a human can recognize his body, then humans can have physical, mental, and mental health.

He added that the things that are in accordance with Hinduism's teachings, where there are three layers in the human body, must be trained, namely the sarira stula (violent or physical body), the sarira suksma (fine body or mind), and the Sarirankara ( Soul or spirit).

The three layers in the human body can be trained at once with yoga.

"The essence of yoga is not solely that we train ourselves with good physical and respiratory exercise abilities, but we also control our minds, hone our feelings, hone our cultivation; so that we can be calmer and help concentration so that our quality of life gets better," he explained.

According to him, yoga is a legacy of human ancestors who are thousands of years old and are now owned by the world and are scattered everywhere with various variants.

"Therefore, yoga traditions need to be maintained because they have good benefits, not only for oneself, but also for harmony of relations with others and harmony with nature," said Ari Dwipayana.