US President Joe Biden Discusses AI Risks and Opportunities, Invites Congress to Pass Cross-Party Privacy Act

JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden will discuss the "risks and opportunities" that artificial intelligence (AI) poses to society, society, and national security during a meeting with science and technology advisers at the White House on Tuesday, April 4.

Biden, a Democrat, is scheduled to meet with the President's Advisory Council on Science and Technology (PCAST) the same day that former President Donald Trump caved in in New York over allegations arising from an investigation into hush money for porn stars.

Biden has declined to comment on Trump's legal matters, and strategists say his focus on administration will create a politically advantageous split screen as his former rival, a Republican, faces his legal challenges.

"The president will discuss the importance of protecting rights and safety to ensure responsible innovation and appropriate safeguards," a White House official said in a statement ahead of the Biden meeting, quoted by Reuters.

"He will be calling on Congress to pass cross-party privacy laws to protect children and limit the personal data technology companies collect about us all," he added.

Artificial intelligence or AI is also a hot topic for policy makers.

The technology ethics group Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy has also asked the US Federal Trade Commission to stop OpenAI from attempting to issue a new commercial release of GPT-4, which has amazed and surprised users with its human-like ability to generate written responses to requests.

Democratic US Senator Chris Murphy has asked the public to pause when considering the impact of AI.

Last year the Biden administration released a "Bill of Rights" blueprint to help ensure user rights are protected when technology companies design and develop AI systems.