6 Activities That Inspire Children's Creativity and Help Them Learn Better

YOGYAKARTA – In developing children's creativity, parents need a fun way. Definitely, need to keep them happy and healthy. Inspirational things to build children's creativity, actually exist in nearby places. However, parents need to provide encouragement and certain ways as below.

1. Facilitate with the 'magic' box

The contents of the magic box can be customized according to a certain theme. For example, on the theme of magic, a box can be filled with hats, costumes, robes, shoes, magic wands, funny clothes, and anything else that supports that theme. This box can increase children's creativity. They will be imaginative with the objects inside and let them choose what they want to do.

2. Parents do activities with children

Giving orders to children, does not make children's spirits motivated. So it is advisable to do activities together, so they know what can be done. You can spark by working on a particular project. You can also start by agreeing to make a craft together.

Illustration of activities that inspire children's creativity (Freepik/gpointstudio)

3. Drawing

Encourage your little one to create pictures by imagining themselves as adults and their chosen occupations. Images can be assembled from small collages, or even combine hand-drawn and image collage pieces. They can also add three-dimensional fabrics to their images, for example tulle for ballerinas or pretty dresses for models. Let them use their creativity and save all these beautiful images.

4. Give children the opportunity to lead certain projects

Giving children the opportunity to lead, trains them to learn how to make their own decisions when they grow up. You can train your children from an early age so that they get used to independent thought patterns. For example, on a walk in the park, let them take the lead and choose the route. Or let them choose the game they want to play. For parents, it is important to give them confidence so they are confident and think creatively.

5. Give them free time

It is very important that from time to time let your child relax by taking short breaks. Give them some unstructured time and spend a few hours at home with nothing to do. That way they can play and have fun on their own.

Illustration of activities that inspire children's creativity (Freepik/master1305)

6. Help children to pursue what they love

As a parent, you should always help your children pursue their passions. This will make them more creative, such as by doing their favorite dance, painting, or other activities they want.

In addition to the six ways that can inspire children's creativity above, there are many things that can be done. Including responding to objects around and creating a narrative about these objects. Is there anything you do often and succeed in getting your child to create something that marks their creativity?