OpenAI CEO Reveals There Is Fear Of Artificial Intelligence, Here's The Reason!

JAKARTA - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is claimed to be able to surpass humans in terms of quickly responding to various questions and performing several other tasks, but according to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman it is quite scary.

Altman himself launched an AI-based chatbot, ChatGPT in November last year, but there are generative AI capabilities that are of great concern to him, such as creating pornographic content on revenge missions, aka spreading explicit images online without the victim's consent.

More people can use generative AI to create content, such as audio, text, or video through simple commands, with breakthroughs such as ChatGPT demonstrating the ability to generate hyper-realistic, human-like responses.

In an interview with Forbes some time ago, Altman gave examples of things he thought were cool and scared him about the technology.

“I have literally watched with rapt attention the revenge porn generation going on with open-source image generators,” says Altman.

"I think it led to heavy and predictable losses," he added.

Of course, it is the responsibility of the company that did make the breakthrough in AI technology from the start, to prevent such a dangerous outcome.

“It would be nice if we could point to those companies and say, 'Hey, you can't do these things,'” Altman said.

"But I think people are going to stick with the open source model, and for the most part it's going to be great, but there's going to be some terrible things that happen," he added.

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Tuesday, February 7, since its launch late last year, ChatGPT has attracted millions of users, as well as billions of dollars worth of investment from companies including Microsoft.

Those who tried it averaged out poetry, fixing computer code, took university exams, and wrote essays, though Altman found the most useful tool for him to be his summary feature.

“The fact that I can only summarize full articles or long email threads is much more useful than I thought. Also, the ability to ask esoteric programming questions or help debug code in a way that feels like I have some really brilliant programmers I can talk to,” said Altman.

For your information, OpenAI plans to launch a successor to ChatGPT, named GPT-4, later this year. Altman said, the brand-new tool will be a significant improvement from its predecessor.

Previously, Altman stated that the ultimate goal of OpenAI is to create an Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that can match or surpass human intelligence.