Excellent! The Republic of Indonesia's Economy in 2022 is the Highest During Jokowi's Term

JAKARTA – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) report released today, Monday 6 February, states that Indonesia's economic growth in 2022 has managed to break the 5.31 per cent mark. This level is higher compared to 2021 which is only 3.70 per cent.

BPS head Margo Yuwono said that last year's growth rate was the highest in nearly 10 years.

"The 2022 economic growth of 5.31 per cent is the highest since 2013 when it grew 5.56 per cent", he said answering questions from journalists in Jakarta.

In detail, Margo revealed that Indonesia's economic growth in 2014 was 5.01 per cent.

Then, successively in 2015, it was 4.88 per cent, in 2016 it was 5.03 per cent, in 2017 it was 5.07 per cent, in 2018 it was 5.17 per cent, in 2019 it was 5.02 per cent, and in 2020 fell to the level of minus 2.07 percent at the start of the pandemic.

"Meanwhile, the Indonesian economy in 2022 which is calculated based on the gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices reaches IDR 19,588.4 trillion and GDP per capita reaches IDR 71.0 million or US$4,783.9", he said.

Just so you know, last year's growth book was the highest record during the reign of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The Head of State himself had said that the government was aiming for 2022 economic growth of 5.2 per cent to 5.3 per cent.

That is, the incision is by the target set. This is a positive precedent in itself ahead of the change of government in 2024.