Suicide Bombing in a Mosque in Pakistan: Minister of Defense Names Actor in First Saf, Explosion Occurs during Imam Takbir

JAKARTA - The suicide bombing that rocked a mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan is said to have occurred when the imam leading the takbir prayer was in the middle of the takbir, with the alleged perpetrator being in the first row.

At least 59 people died, 27 of them policemen and 170 people were injured, the majority of whom were in critical condition, when a bomb exploded at a mosque which was packed with 400 worshipers in the complex of police and anti-terror units which were guarded in layers.

Pakistan's Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said the suicide bomber was in the front row during prayers, calling on the state to take action against terrorists.

"It is time for us to return to the fight against terrorism," he said in an interview with Pakistan's Geo TV, citing Atalayar, January 31.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, who condemned the blast, is said to be traveling to the area of ​​the tragedy, where he will visit the victims and learn more about the attack.

"The brutal killing of Muslims prostrating before Allah goes against the teachings of the Koran," PM Sharif said in a statement, adding "targeting the Houses of Allah is proof that the attackers have nothing to do with Islam," citing Reuters.

"The scale of this human tragedy is unimaginable. This is nothing short of an attack on Pakistan. The nation is overwhelmed with grief. I believe terrorism is our main national security challenge," he said.

Ledakan itu meruntuhkan lantai atas masjid, menjebak puluhan jemaah di reruntuhan. Tayangan TV menunjukkan penyelamat memotong atap yang runtuh untuk turun dan menyelamatkan korban yang terjebak di reruntuhan.

"Kami tidak bisa mengatakan berapa banyak yang masih di bawah itu," kata Gubernur Provinsi Haji Ghulam Ali.

Saksi menggambarkan suasana kacau saat polisi dan tim penyelamat bergegas membawa korban luka ke rumah sakit.

"Saat imam salat mengatakan 'Allah Maha Besar' (takbir), terdengar ledakan besar," kata Mushtaq Khan, seorang polisi dengan luka di kepala, kepada wartawan dari tempat tidur rumah sakit.

"Kami tidak tahu apa yang terjadi karena ledakan itu memekakkan telinga. Itu membuat saya keluar dari beranda. Dinding dan atap menimpa saya," pilunya.

Belum ada pihak yang mengaku bertanggung jawab atas serangan itu, yang terburuk di Peshawar sejak Maret 2022 ketika sebuah bom bunuh diri ISIS menewaskan sedikitnya 58 orang di sebuah masjid Muslim Syiah selama Salat Jumat.

Taliban lokal yang dikenal sebagai Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, kelompok payung Sunni dan kelompok militan sektarian, membantah bertanggung jawab.

"Tehreek-e-Taliban tidak ada hubungannya dengan serangan ini," kata TTP dalam sebuah pernyataan.

Investigations are underway into how the attackers penetrated the elite security cordon and whether there was any insider assistance.

"We have found traces of explosives," said Peshawar Police Chief Ijaz Khan, adding that a breakdown was evident, as the bomber had slipped through the safest area of ​​the complex.

PM Sharif said "all nations and institutions are united to end terrorism", assuring the government is taking steps to restore law and order in the region.