South Jakarta Residents' Difficulty In Contacting The Police When There Is A Riot In Their Environment, Has Been Solved

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police formed 580 Rukun Warga (RW) police and 65 accompanying officers in each urban village to help Bhabinkamtibmas secure the area.

"Later on we ask fellow RW police to come, listen, and record community complaints regarding security and order disturbances and we hope to be able to provide a solution," said South Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Pol Ade Ary Syam Indradi when met, in Jakarta, Thursday.

Ary explained that the South Jakarta Police will continue to intensify two-way communication with residents so that problems can be resolved immediately, starting from the RW, Bhabinkamtibmas, Polsek, and Polres levels.

Not only that, but the South Jakarta Metro Police also distributed a number of stickers as a sign that the police were present in the area.

"On that occasion, the police also socialized 110, which is a toll-free or free police telephone number," he added.

Ary hopes that this program can help the community in the field of security and order, even though there are already Bhabinkamtibmas and Babinsa in each sub-district and urban village.

"For example, if there is commotion in front of the house, the police need help, residents can contact that and there are many channels," he continued.

South Jakarta City Secretary Ali Murthadho also appreciated the activities of the South Jakarta Metro Police which continue to improve services to the community.

"The RW police formed by the South Jakarta Police Chief is certainly part of the synergy and strength of the three pillars," said Ali.

It is Ali's hope that the presence of the RW police can bring good news to the RT, RW, and all the people of South Jakarta.

What's more, this two-way communication service is a form of the police's quick response in dealing with problems that have not been resolved in the residents' environment.

"We are certainly grateful for this RW Police program and will provide the best support in its implementation," he concluded.