Signing the Same-Sex Marriage Protection Act, President Biden: America Towards Justice and Freedom for All

JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act on Tuesday, after obtaining approval from the US House of Representatives last week.

"Marriage is a simple proposition: who do you love? And will you be faithful to those you love?," President Biden wrote on his Twitter account, as quoted December 14.

"It doesn't get any more complicated than that," he continued.

"The Respect for Marriage Act recognizes that everyone should have the right to answer those questions for themselves," he said.

Launch Reuters, the new law provides federal recognition for same-sex marriage, a move born of fears that the Supreme Court could overturn its legal support for such a relationship.

"Today is a good day," President Biden tweeted.

"Today, America is taking another step toward equality. Towards freedom and justice not just for some, but for all," he said.

"Because today, I signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law," President Biden said.

Addressing the crowd before signing, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the bill promotes equality.

"Everyone deserves to enjoy the miraculous blessing of building a union with your loved ones," he said.

Last week, the US House of Representatives gave final congressional approval to a bill giving federal recognition of same-sex marriage.

In the voting, 258 members of the US House of Representatives voted in favor of 169 against. It is known, all members of the House of Representatives from the Democratic Party and 39 from the Republican Party expressed their support.

When the Senate passed it by a vote of 61-36, 12 Republicans joined 49 Democrats in supporting it. Most of the Senate Republicans opposed it.