Foods That Cause Acne In Dagu That Are Rarely Aware Of, Control Although Tempting

YOGYAKARTA - Acne is a problem with facial skin that many people often complain about. Often acne appears and grows stubbornly and hard to remove. Acne can appear in several areas of the face, one of which is on the chin.

Acne on the chin is very disturbing to appearance that makes you insecure. Although the size seems small, the acne on the chin will hurt when touched. The cause of acne on the chin becomes a question for many people.

Acne on the chin can be experienced by anyone, both men and women. The appearance of acne is caused by the presence of dead skin cells, bacteria, or oils that clog the pores of the skin or hair follicles. Not many realize that these conditions can occur due to skin health factors to

Acne on the chin can be caused by various factors ranging from dirty facial skin, stress, women's monthly cycles, to hormonal fluctuations or adolescence in adolescents.

In addition to the various conditions, there are several foods that can trigger the growth of acne on the chin.

One type of food that triggers the appearance of acne on the chin is oily food and has a high salt content. Consumption of these foods can cause acne to grow in the face area, one of which is on the chin.

Oily foods can cause acne because they contain saturated fats, trans fats, and hydranated oils. These various fats can accumulate in cells and make pores on the facial skin clogged. These conditions trigger comodo and acne.

Other foods that can cause acne growth are foods that contain gluten. Foods that contain high gluten content, including pasta, wheat, bread, flour, and serela. These foods can result in inflammation that triggers the emergence of acne.

Gluten is a protein in food ingredients that functions to maintain the shape of food. Consumption of foods that contain gluten will make oil production excessive. The accumulated oil will clog the pore until bacteria appear in the skin.

High sugar foods can also cause acne to appear on the chin. Many people like to eat sweet foods but are not aware if they have an impact on various health problems. Besides being able to increase diabetes problems, high sugar foods also trigger the emergence of acne.

Consumption of foods that have high sugar levels will increase hormones which can then trigger acne growth. High sugar content affects damage to elastin fiber and skin collagen. This condition causes skin cells to die and experience a buildup of impurities that cause acne to appear.

Not many think that spicy food is one of the triggers for acne on the chin. The spicy food is indeed tempting, but if consumed excessively it can cause various health problems that then affect the skin. The effects of spicy foods that interfere with digestion will have an impact on skin health, triggering acne.

There are several ways you can do to deal with acne on your chin. You can do natural treatment or use drug assistance.

You can also cure acne on your chin using acne medication. Acne medication in the form of a cream is applied to your acne gently. Acne medication contains benzoil peroxide or retinoid. Before using acne medication, you need to consult a doctor first.

Many people want to immediately break their acne by squeezing them. He thought that the acne that was pressed would disappear and would not interfere with the appearance of the face, even though the acne that was pressed actually caused the acne to be infected, longer flat, and cause acne scars.

So let your acne appear and keep your face clean. Hold yourself back from squeezing or touching it often.

Acne causes pain when hit or the surrounding area is touched. You can compress acne on your chin to reduce inflammation or acne pain. How to compress it is with cold water. Just use ice cube wrapped in a soft and clean cloth for 5 minutes.

Everyone needs to maintain facial hygiene, both women and men. When your face is clean, the possibility of acne appearing is very small. How to maintain acne hygiene is very easy, you just need to wash your face regularly. Don't forget to wash your face using facial cleansing.

Apart from faces, keep your hands clean. Acne on the face can appear because dirty hands often touch facial skin.

Those are some foods that cause acne on the chin and how to handle them. In addition to paying attention to the food consumed, you also need to maintain both physical and mental health conditions so as not to trigger the growth of acne.

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