Surakarta Detention Center to be Relocated to Sukoharjo: Estimated Area of 3.4 Hectare, Accommodates 1,500 Prisoners

Central Java - Head of the Regional Office (Kakanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Central Java, A. Yuspahruddin, said that the plan for the relocation of the Surakarta Class I Detention Center is still in the process of land grants. The Surakarta Detention was declared overloaded so the location had to be moved.

"The relocation of the Surakarta Detention Center is still in process, meaning it will not happen immediately. When the grant is complete, it is estimated that construction can begin in 2023," said Yuspahruddin during the G20 Lively Socialization event at the Surakarta Class I Detention Center, Central Java, quoted from Antara, Friday, October 21.

The plan is that the Surakarta Class I Detention Center will be relocated from Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta to Sonorejo Village, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java.

The location of detention center, which is now in the center of Surakarta City, already accommodates too many residents and the land cannot be developed.

Yuspahruddin said the relocation required land preparation in a new place. The land for the location of the new detention center must be cleared first so that there are no problems in the future.

"We are still in the process of granting land that will be used for the relocation of the Surakarta Detention. We cannot build on land that does not yet belong to us," he said.

The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Central Java targets the land in Sonorejo Village for the Surakarta Class I Detention Center to be completed and ready to be built in 2023.

However, Yuspahruddin could not say how much the Ministry of Law and Human Rights had prepared the budget because it was still in the maturation stage.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Surakarta Class I Detention Center, Urip Dharma Yuda, said the number of inmates as of Friday, October 21, reached 569 people, while the capacity in the detention center was only 298 people. This means that the capacity of the Surakarta Class I Detention Center has exceeded what it should have been.

He said that if the construction process started in 2023, his party would start moving the prison facilities, especially related to food equipment, kitchens, and detention rooms before the new detention center was ready for occupancy.

Then, he added, the inmates will be moved when the facilities and infrastructure in the new detention center have been completed, with assistance from the Indonesia Army (TNI) and National Police for escorting and transporting the inmates.

According to the plan, the location of the new Surakarta Class I Detention Center in Sukoharjo Regency is located on an area of ​​3.4 hectares that can accommodate 1,500 inmates.