No Candidates Yet, KIB Is Advised To Carry A 2024 Presidential Candidate From The Results Of The Convention

JAKARTA - The United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) has not yet dared to announce the name of the presidential candidate (Capres) it will carry in the 2024 presidential election. In fact, this coalition was formed earlier than other axes.

Executive Director of Indonesian Presidential Studies (IPS) Nyarwi Ahmad assessed that the political dynamics of KIB are still dynamic. Calculations to advance the figure in the presidential election are still being worked out. However, according to him, KIB can exercise the option of holding a convention or nominating a figure from their own circle.

“Why doesn't KIB hold a convention to find potential vice presidential candidates? It can capture or determine the figure of a presidential candidate who is an attraction, this is what KIB has to offer. Either from one of the party leaders, for example, Mr. Airlangga," said Nyarwi, Wednesday, October 5.

It is known that the three political parties that are members of KIB, namely the Golkar Party, PPP, and PAN are still intensively exploring a number of parties. For example, Golkar, which is currently approaching PKS and PPP, invites Democrats.

“The trend is what attracts KIB so that the Democrats or other parties want to join. If you look at the KIB, it's quite solid, enough to carry the candidates for the vice presidential candidate pair, meeting the presidential threshold criteria," Nyarwi said.

However, Nyarwi emphasized that in a coalition the parties would certainly consider what benefits they would get in the coalition. Likewise, finding matches for potential presidential and vice presidential candidates with them.

"The opportunity for the KIB coalition in the midst of the development of presidential candidates is very dynamic, still very loose, there must be dynamics in each party whether to stay, at KIB or start thinking about the existing coalition," he said.