Hundreds Of Teens Enthusiastically Participate In The Selection Of National Police Officers At Central Java Police

SEMARANG - The National Police Enlistment Registration, which was opened a few weeks ago, attracted many Central Java youths. It is noted that so far 635 registrants have been successfully verified by the committee and are entitled to take part in a series of selections which will be held from 12 September to 16 November 2022.

In the selection carried out using the knockout system, Central Java participants competed with thousands of participants from all over Indonesia to fill the vacancies of 1500 Brimob enlisted personnel and 100 air and water police officers (polairud).

Head of Public Relation of Central Java Regional Police, Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy stated, for registrants at the Central Java level, 596 youths registered for the Brimob enlistment vacancy and 39 youth registered for the Air and Air Police (Polairud) enlistment vacancies.

"Since the 12th, the participants have participated in the administrative selection I. Of the 635 participants, 599 have passed. The participants who have passed are currently taking the stage I health test at the Bhayangkara Polyclinic in Sendangmulyo, Semarang city," said the Head of Public Relations, Thursday, September 29.

He detailed, a number of test stages must be passed by the selection participants before finally being declared passed.

The stages of the test include:

1. Initial administrative check.

2. Health Test l

3. Psychological test I

4. Academic CAT

5. Physical aptitude test

6. Trial towards health test II

7. Health test ll

8. Psychological Test ll

9. Final administrative check

10. Supervision

11. Final graduation trial

"The Central Java Police guarantee that the entire selection process is carried out in a clean, transparent and accountable manner. There is no tolerance for brokers or fraud perpetrators. If proven, criminal proceedings will be carried out," he added.

Kabidhumas added that the selection for recruitment of members of the National Police is routinely opened every year.

"There are officer levels, namely the Police Academy and SIPSS, the NCO level, and the Enlisted level," he said.

For that, he asked every teenager who wants to become a member of the National Police to prepare themselves early. Interested parties are invited to inquire about the schedule for the opening of the selection at the nearest Polsek and Polres or directly open the internet page at the address

"If you want to see the opening of the selection of members of the police, please open the official website or you can directly ask the nearest police station," he said

The perpetrators of cheating, he asserted, will certainly be immediately disqualified and processed according to applicable law

"The National Police always prioritizes a clean, transparent and accountable selection. It is recommended that teenagers who want to take part in the selection do not trust people who claim to be brokers," continued the Head of Public Relation.